Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Eleanor wrote, "Freedom with responsibility is a great way to give people an experience to figure out things for themselves." I agree with Eleanor because people learn through their experiences and they deserve to have thefreedom try new things and find out what's good and what's bad for themselves. People also need to take responsibility for their actions though, and make sure they don't do anything that's cleverly bad for them or anyone around them. Learning through our mistakes is what makes us human and we have the  freedom to do what we want and learn from it but we have to use that freedom carefully and make sure we don't do anything that's really bad.

Oscar Arias Sanchez said, "The more freedom we enjoy, The greater the responsibility we bear, towards others as well as ourselves. I believe that this is what freedom with responsibility means because the more freedom we have the more responsibility we have to take on our own shoulders as well as making sure that we are not harming or disturbing others in any way. Having freedom means we can do what we want but this also means that we have to look after ourselves and make sure that we are doing well in school before we can relax. having freedom doesn't mean that we can go around doing whatever we want because we need to be careful not to disturb others because if we can be responsible and be respectful to others while they are working then they will also be respectful to us while we are working.

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