Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Freedom with Responsibility pictures

This image shows freedom with responsibility because the dove in the picture is being freed so it can fly away and go wherever it wants to go. The dove also needs to be careful because it is responsible for its own safety and well being. 

This image shows freedom with responsibility by showing that even when your free you are not truly free because you always need to be responsible about what you do so that you are successful later on in your life.

This image shows that freedom is not just given to you but you need to win it by showing that you are responsible. If you misuse your freedom it can be taken away so you need to prove to everyone that you can use your freedom responsibly and well.

This image shows that being free is not as easy as most people think because you need to make your own decisions. The gold fish in the bowl with a lot of other gold fish is jumping too its own freedom but then it will be all alone and will need to take care of itself.

This image shows that even when you are free you need to take care of your work first before having fun. Using your time wisely is an important skill that this portrays well.

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