Monday, September 7, 2015

Freedom with responsibility

Freedom With Responsibility Revised

Freedom with responsibility is being able to do what you want to do as long as you use your time wisely. Some students abuse their freedoms and then their freedoms get taken away. People deserve to have freedom but they also need to be careful and make sure that they are getting their work done. Learning from previous mistakes is an important part of freedom with responsibility. Students want to have as much freedom as possible but the decision on how to use their freedom is theirs and sometimes they get tempted to not be responsible with their freedoms and misuse them. Having freedom from an early age will help students know whats right and whats wrong. Learning from your experiences and doing what needs to be done is what freedom with responsibility is all about. Being able to use your time wisely is an important skill throughout life and the idea freedom with responsibility helps teach that to students. It will help them do well in high school and prepare them for college. Freedom with responsibility ultimately means that people should do the important things they need to get done first before having time to relax and have fun.

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